More Artist Lessons Learned

This has more to do with marketing and social media etiquette then technical skills. One of the first things I learned about was how not to spam my family, friends and fans with multiple posts that are the same all over the place. There are a few reasons for this,

  • It is annoying first and foremost! If you post the same link or picture every 2 hours throughout the day, people are just going to ignore you or worse yet, block you!
  • What is relevant on one platform is not always relevant on another. Seriously tagging people to thank them for following you on Twitter is not relevant on Facebook or Instagram and vice versa .Having these accounts linked to auto post to each other is not always a great idea. Which leads me to the next one,
  • If you post the same thing to every platform all the time, why on earth would I bother to follow you on multiple platforms? That goes back to being spammy, it also takes up my precious little social media time. If someone follows you on multiple platforms do them a favor and post something different for them to see or read on a few of them.
  • Sharing from your own project/art/business fan page to your personal page is ok on Facebook for the most part because in general due to Facebook analytic s most of your fans are not going to see it from your professional page and you must be your #1 cheerleader.

I hope this is helpful to someone.

Till next time,


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